Wednesday, December 7, 2016

IVF Update | Egg Retrieval

This was a hard video for me to film… and I know it’s a late upload which I never do but I wanted to put this video out there. And maybe you’re thinking why would I film this and put it out the same day I got the news but it made me feel better to edit this and upload it.

There are some people that are so invested in supporting us through this journey and I thought it was only fair to upload it to share.

As you saw we had an amazing retrieval with a total of 26 follicles retrieved and 16 of them were inseminated.. with these numbers we honestly thought the odds were with us.

We even reconsidered transferring 2 embryos and if we ended up with twins than what a blessing.. well that won't happen now with our 1 frozen embryo. I know we have at least 1 but it was still such heart breaking news to get. I pray and hope that this is the one, if not its okay.. we will keep moving forward and one day it will happen.

Thank you everyone for all your love, support, prayers, positive thoughts and I’d love to ask for them to keep coming… Love you!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Hey Guys,

It's been a long time since I've posted anything on my blog. I wanted to share this amazing website that reached out to me to review a dress of my choice. Check out my video down below as well as the website. I am 100% honest about how I feel about the dress and the company. They are not paying me to say anything, just wanted to clarify that.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and please check out my youtube channel as well as all my other social media accounts. I post pretty regularly about everything beauty related!


IG: Laydiitek
Twitter: Laydiitek
Pinterest: Laydiitek

Friday, January 8, 2016

What to pack when traveling to a different country

Hi All,

Wow it's been so long, but I really wanted to update this post on something I thought I would share with everyone. I got back from Cambodia at the end of November, and man was it amazing to see my culture and be there again. That will be a whole new story. What I want to share is a checklist I created for myself and my family for what to pack.

Not everyone will think that some of the stuff is necessary or maybe you want to add some things. But when I was packing, I googled so many different things and I just started to create a list on my own. I really wished there was one that was already made, so I thought to myself. Why not upload this and maybe it will help others too! So for those that are traveling anywhere or especially out of country. I really hope this helps as a guide to what you might need to pack, what you want to pack but ultimately it's just a great starting point to use. Enjoy and safe travels!!!

xoxo - tina